Project Description

Client: Town of Louviers
Project: Tertiary Wastewater Treatment, Louviers, CO

The small town of Louviers, with only 110 homes and limited funds, needed to update its wastewater process to meet effluent limits and protect water quality. Historically, the Town relied on a small aerated lagoon for wastewater treatment. With the introduction of stricter water quality regulations for the watershed, the lagoon system was unable to remain in compliance. TST Infrastructure’s team evaluated the Town’s options and helped acquire easement access to county open space for a land application site. Acquisition of the land application site enabled the use of natural soil filtration to provide the needed tertiary wastewater treatment. The project was completed without impact to adjacent endangered species habitat. This low-impact solution eliminated the need to build a mechanical wastewater treatment plant, yet effectively achieved water quality compliance.